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Why Advocate for CBD?: The importance of activism

CBD has quickly become an invaluable health aid, but it’s also increasingly being used as a vehicle for social impact. Many CBD companies dedicate a portion of their profits towards marginalized communities and environmental conservation causes such as restorative justice or conservation – buying CBD from these responsible vendors allows you to be part of the movement to revitalize communities with innovative compassionate technology available today!

Popular solution for athletes

As CBD continues to gain in popularity, athletes and other active individuals searching for natural solutions for chronic pain or stress-related ailments have begun turning to it instead of opioids as the ideal way to alleviate them. Derived from cannabis plants, this non-psychoactive chemical compound helps with pain management by binding to receptors in the brain to decrease inflammation and muscle tension, improve sleep quality and speed recovery- making it the perfect natural option for active individuals seeking pain relief.

Mental Wellness benefits

CBD has also proven beneficial in improving mental wellness by alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression, and decreasing risks related to drug-use among young adults such as substance abuse and suicide. As a result, many prominent individuals such as professional sports players and other active individuals have taken up advocacy for CBD as an opioid alternative solution.

One such athlete is former NFL player Darren Clark, who has openly discussed his struggles with addiction and PTSD while using CBD oil to manage them. Meanwhile actor Michael J. Fox advocates for the reclassification of marijuana; believing CBD may provide neurological patients with relief. Another activist Seth Rogan has spoken openly about his mental illness struggles and how CBD has helped manage them.

a dropper bottle

Even with promising studies, CBD remains mired in stigma due to coming from the same cannabis plant that produces THC, known for causing psychotropic effects. This makes gaining public support difficult; therefore it’s imperative that this continues to change.

An integral component of this effort involves shifting the mindsets of policy-makers, legislators and members of the public alike. Though a complicated challenge, activists such as Schmitz, Helmer and Sadler have taken steps to inform as many individuals as possible so that rational policies may emerge in future.

One such event this year is the CBD COP15 conference in Denmark later this year, which will establish a global framework for biodiversity protection from 2020-2030. Representing nations from all around the globe will attend this crucial gathering and it must make a positive difference in people’s lives worldwide. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate that both scientific communities and wider society understand its therapeutic value.